Seminar: 3.02.193 S Teaching and Learning in the Diversity-sensitive EFL Classroom (Blockveranstaltung) - Details

Seminar: 3.02.193 S Teaching and Learning in the Diversity-sensitive EFL Classroom (Blockveranstaltung) - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 3.02.193 S Teaching and Learning in the Diversity-sensitive EFL Classroom (Blockveranstaltung)
Course number 3.02.193
Semester SoSe2024
Current number of participants 8
expected number of participants 40
Home institute Institute of English and American Studies
Courses type Seminar in category Teaching
First date Friday, 28.06.2024 09:00 - 16:00, Room: V03 0-C001
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

V03 0-C001
Friday, 28.06.2024 - Saturday, 29.06.2024 09:00 - 16:00
A01 0-005
Friday, 05.07.2024 - Saturday, 06.07.2024 09:00 - 16:00

Module assignments


Plurilingual (and pluricultural) competences are defined by the Education Policy Division of the Council of Europe (2018) as the ability to critically reflect and strategically use linguistic and cultural resources and knowledge across languages in order to successfully manage intercultural communication as well as life-long (language) learning. Foreign language teaching and thus foreign language teachers play a pivotal role in fostering plurilingual and pluricultural education. In this seminar we are going to operationalize plurilingual and pluricultural competence for foreign language learning contexts in relation to relevant European and German education policy documents such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and Cultures (2001) and its companion volume (2018/2020), the KMK standards and the English curricula for Lower Saxony as well as other orientational frameworks such as the Framework for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (2009); we will discuss relevant theoretical concepts such as translanguaging (see García, 2009, 2013), (functional) mono-/multi- and plurilingualism, linguistic repertoire and English as a multilingua franca; and discuss ways of implementation of pluralistic/plurilingual approaches in foreign language classrooms such as mediation, intercomprehension and language portraits.

This course’s assessment requirement and formats will be discussed in the first session.

Key Words: plurilingualism, multilingualism, translanguaging, plurilingual competence, English as a Foreign Language, English as multilingua franca, intercomprehension, mediation, language learning/teaching, learner empowerment,

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
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  • Admission locked.