Seminar: 3.02.995 S Creative Writing meets Literary Theory: ‘Save the Cat!‘ and its Discourses - Details

Seminar: 3.02.995 S Creative Writing meets Literary Theory: ‘Save the Cat!‘ and its Discourses - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 3.02.995 S Creative Writing meets Literary Theory: ‘Save the Cat!‘ and its Discourses
Subtitle (NOTE: mainly for MA students, open to all students, subject to available spaces)
Course number 3.02.995
Semester SoSe2023
Current number of participants 10
expected number of participants 25
Home institute Institute of English and American Studies
Courses type Seminar in category Teaching
First date Tuesday, 18.04.2023 16:15 - 17:45, Room: (A06 2-212 Institutsratsraum)
Participants The course is of a type intended for students with an advanced interest in the field of literary and cultural studies. Registration is open (1) to students of the MA English Studies, aiming to provide opportunities for more in-depth engagement with a wider range of aspects of the field, as well as exploring other professional fields; in addition, the course is also open for students of other degree programmes, who have an advanced interest in the field of Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies. All students who are not enrolled for the MA English Studies, please contact me directly, and I and will sign you up, if places are available.
Performance record This course is not a regular Master Module. It is attached to ang902, where as a rule a maximum of 6 KP can be obtained. Credit will generally be based on an Oral contribution supported by a short paper with thesis for discussion. Please contact me for individual arrangements. Credit for other modules may be possible, details to be discussed individually.
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

(A06 2-212 Institutsratsraum)
Tuesday: 16:15 - 17:45, weekly (6x)
No room preference
Tuesday: 16:15 - 17:45, weekly


In the field of literature, creative writing and literary theory often seem to be at the opposite ends of a spectrum – creative writing being crucially focused on practice, and the practices of text production, and literary theory, as the name suggests, placing its focus on theoretical considerations, concepts and approaches. This seminar will engage with both literary theory and creative writing, giving room to each in its own right, but also making space for a dialogue and for reflecting on what they might have to say to each other.
The course is of a type intended for students with an advanced interest in the field of literary and cultural studies. Registration is open (1) to students of the MA English Studies, aiming to provide opportunities for more in-depth engagement with a wider range of aspects of the field, as well as exploring other professional fields; in addition, the course is also open for students of other degree programmes, who have an advanced interest in the field of Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies. All students who are not enrolled for the MA English Studies, please contact me directly, and I and will sign you up, if places are available.
Our course will combine three main points of focus:
(1) to explore and get to know the practices of creative writing. Our approach will be through a famous ‘guide’ to creative writing, entitled “Save the Cat!” (we will mainly refer to the version that concerns novel writing, by Jessica Brody – relevant sections will be made available – for a first impression, you may consult )
(2) to explore the theoretical angles from which this practice can be approached. These include theories of subjectivity and discourse. Again, relevant sources will be made available. Additional suggestions and requests on the part of participants are welcome.
(3) In addition (time permitting), some meetings will be open for any additional theoretical interests and focus points which participants might be eager to engage with as part of the course.
Details on the course components, as well as a suggestion for a schedule and structure of our work in this semester, will be discussed and finalised in our first meeting on April 11.
I would like to decide on the precise scope and schedule in dialogue with participants, taking into account your (individual and shared) interests and preferences. (April 18 will have to be a “reading week” since I have a different workshop commitment that day).
This course is not a regular Master Module. It is attached to ang902, where as a rule a maximum of 6 KP can be obtained. Credit will generally be based on an Oral contribution supported by a short paper with thesis for discussion. Please contact me for individual arrangements. Credit for other modules may be possible, details to be discussed individually.

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