ökb060 - Fields of application of economics education: Principles in terms of subject matter and didactics (Complete module description)

ökb060 - Fields of application of economics education: Principles in terms of subject matter and didactics (Complete module description)

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Module label Fields of application of economics education: Principles in terms of subject matter and didactics
Modulkürzel ökb060
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics Education)
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Economic Education (Bachelor) > Basismodule
  • Erweiterungsfach Gymnasium Politik-Wirtschaft (Extension tray) > Module
  • Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium) Politics-Economics (Master of Education) > Ökonomische Bildung
Zuständige Personen
  • Loerwald, Dirk (module responsibility)
  • Schröder, Rudolf (module responsibility)
  • Lehrenden, Die im Modul (Prüfungsberechtigt)
  • Modulverantwortlichen, Die (Prüfungsberechtigt)
Skills to be acquired in this module
• have a fundamental understanding of economics in respect of finances, entrepreneurship, economic ethics and environmental economics
• are familiar with central models and theoretic approaches in respect of finances, entrepreneurship, economic ethics and environmental economics, and apply these in a problem-oriented manner
• understand, analyse and reflect on concepts about and implications for didactics in respect of financial education, entrepreneurship education, environmental education and economic ethics education
• are capable of initiating, and reflect on, teaching-learning processes based on subject matter and didactics.
Module contents
Economics education can be differentiated into various fields, each one of which in turn comprises very specific fields of application. Two sessions, each focusing on one of two closely related fields of application, will outline the basics of these respective fields in terms of subject matter and didactics.

General financial education and entrepreneurship education:
This session will deal with two societally relevant and individually significant education tasks of economics education. Numerous studies show that financial knowhow and financial competences of children and adolescents are deficient and that this results in problems, including cases of excessive debt. The promotion of consumer education is closely related to this. Empirical data likewise indicate that a pioneering and entrepreneurial attitude needs to be encouraged, especially in Europe and Germany, to ensure economic growth and competitive power, promote independence and enable fulfilment of the requirements of the modern labour market. Based on these fundamental diagnoses and descriptions of problems, curricular principles, conceptual approaches and teaching-learning arrangements of both fields of application are developed.

Economic ethics and environmental education:
The examination of moral questions concerning the economy can be traced back to antiquity, but economic ethics did not establish itself as an independent discipline until the late 20th century. Literature on economic ethics covers a wide range of different approaches, which can be roughly divided into concepts based on individual ethics or institutional ethics. These approaches will be the focus of the first part of the module, and will be illustrated using a selection of fields of application of economic ethics. The second part of the module will focus on environmental theories and, against that background, deal with the conceptual and substantive principles of environmental education, also in connection with economics.
Homann, K./Lütge C. (2004): Einführung in die Wirtschaftsethik, Münster: LIT
Kirchner, V./Loerwald, D. (2014): Entrepreneurship Education in der ökonomischen Bildung. Eine fachdidaktische Konzeption für den Wirtschaftsunterricht, Hamburg: Joachim-Herz-Stiftung
Krol, G.-J. (2011):Umweltökonomik. Qualifizierungsbaustein G 09. Oldenburg: IÖB
Retzmann, T. (Hg.) (2011): Finanzielle Bildung in der Schule - Mündige Verbraucher durch ökonomische Bildung, Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.
Language of instruction German
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency jährlich
Module capacity unlimited
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
Anmeldung zur Modulprüfung über Stud.IP erforderlich - Prüfungstermin siehe Stud.IP: https://elearning.uni-oldenburg.de/plugins.php/pruefungenplugin/studentpruefungen/current
1 Modulprüfung
  • mündl. Prüfung (45 - 60 min.) oder
  • Klausur (120 min.) oder
  • Referat (30 - 60 min.) oder
  • Hausarbeit (3000 - 5000 Wörter) oder
  • Portfolio (max. 5 Teilleistungen)
Form of instruction Seminar und Übung
Sie müssen beide Veranstaltungen belegen!
Frequency SoSe
Workload Präsenzzeit 56 h