Thema: The NoSQL Toolbox 2.0: A Web-Based Tool for Interactive Decision Guidance

Thema: The NoSQL Toolbox 2.0: A Web-Based Tool for Interactive Decision Guidance


Titel The NoSQL Toolbox 2.0: A Web-Based Tool for Interactive Decision Guidance
- Design and implement a user-friendly website that provides an overview of different data management systems and their use cases, based on the NoSQL Toolbox and Decision Tree to reflect the evolution of data management systems in recent years
- Develop an interactive wizard to guide users through the decision tree, providing tailored system recommendations based on their specific use case
- Implement a system for easy updates to the website via merge requests, ensuring the decision tree can be kept up-to-date easily
- Ensure the project's modularity and reusability, allowing the decision tree framework to be adapted for other domains

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data management systems, it can be challenging for developers to identify the system(s) that best meet(s) their specific needs. Tools that provide a high-level overview of different systems and their use cases, and guide users in making informed decisions, are therefore invaluable. The NoSQL Toolbox and Decision Tree [0] are conceptual models that address this need. However, with the emergence of new data management systems in recent years, there is a need to update these resources and to make them more accessible to a non-scientific audience (e.g. to the system development community).

This thesis aims to develop a web application that not only gives users an updated overview of different data management systems, but also guides them in identifying systems that are relevant to their specific use case. The web app should feature an interactive wizard that guides users through the decision tree, providing helpful explanations and tailored system recommendations at each node.

The web app should be easily updated via merge requests, ensuring that the decision tree remains current as new data management systems emerge. At the same time, it should be possible to repurpose the web app for decision trees in other domains, making it a versatile tool for decision-making in various fields. 

The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a user-friendly, interactive tool that helps users navigate the complex landscape of data management systems, guiding them towards the systems that best meet their specific needs.

[0] NoSQL Toolbox Paper:
Heimateinrichtung Department für Informatik
Art der Arbeit nicht spezifiziert
Abschlussarbeitstyp Bachelor oder Master
Autor Prof. Dr. Wolfram Wingerath
Status verfügbar
depends on the topic
Erstellt 02.08.2023


  • Informationssysteme - Data Science
  • Fach-Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Master Informatik
  • Master Applied Economics and Data Science
  • Zwei-Fächer-Bachelor Informatik
  • Fach-Bachelor Informatik
  • Master Wirtschaftsinformatik
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