Thema: Enhancing Hands-Free Coding: A Comparative Study and Tool Development for Voice-Controlled Programming Environments

Thema: Enhancing Hands-Free Coding: A Comparative Study and Tool Development for Voice-Controlled Programming Environments


Titel Enhancing Hands-Free Coding: A Comparative Study and Tool Development for Voice-Controlled Programming Environments
Driven by the increasing demand for efficiency, ergonomics, and alternative input methods in software development, various hands-free coding methods have emerged over the years and voice coding, in particular, has been gaining adoption steadily. This thesis focuses on exploring and evaluating voice-controlled programming frameworks such as Talon [0]. The goal is to develop a tool or plugin that enhances the coding experience within these environments by addressing limitations or improving the overall user experience. A thesis in this context may not only provide valuable insights into the practical challenges and opportunities in voice-controlled programming and its potential for improving efficiency and ergonomics in software development, but also yield a practical solution that addresses a real-world problem within this emerging field.

The first step in this thesis will be a literature and project review to identify and compare existing frameworks, their strengths, and limitations. Based on the findings, the next step will be to address one of the current limitations via practical work. There is a plethora of options for the practical part of the thesis, ranging from the optimization of a specific task (e.g. by creating a grammar for writing LaTeX) to design and implementation of a plugin for an existing IDE (e.g. Cursorless [1] for IntelliJ). 

[0] Talon:
[1] Cursorless:
Heimateinrichtung Department für Informatik
Art der Arbeit praktisch / anwendungsbezogen
Abschlussarbeitstyp Bachelor oder Master
Autor Prof. Dr. Wolfram Wingerath
Status verfügbar
depends on the specificities of the chosen research question
Erstellt 22.05.2023


  • Informationssysteme - Data Science
  • Master of Education (Haupt- und Realschule) Informatik
  • Fach-Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Master of Education (Gymnasium) Informatik
  • Master Informatik
  • Fach-Bachelor Informatik
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