Thema: Global Food Price Shocks and Local Conflicts in Africa

Thema: Global Food Price Shocks and Local Conflicts in Africa


Titel Global Food Price Shocks and Local Conflicts in Africa
How does global crop price shocks affect the incidence of conflicts in Africa? Uncover the causal mechanisms that link exogenous income shocks to violent conflicts in the context of African countries. Provide a summary and discussion of recent and state-of-the-art empirical approaches to answer this question. Provide a discussion of potentially important policy implications to minimize violence in the wake of unprecedented income shocks.

Main reference:
McGuirk, E., & Burke, M. (2020). The economic origins of conflict in Africa. Journal of Political Economy, 128(10), 3940-3997.
Heimateinrichtung Department für Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Art der Arbeit praktisch / anwendungsbezogen
Abschlussarbeitstyp Bachelor oder Master
Autor Prof. Dr. Erkan Gören
Status verfügbar
Erstellt 14.04.2022