Topic: Shape-change for secondary affordances

Topic: Shape-change for secondary affordances

Personal details

Title Shape-change for secondary affordances
Affordances in the context of Human-Computer Interaction refer to just those action possibilities offered by an object that are readily perceivable by an actor. A common mug affords holding a beverage, e.g. for drinking purposes. However, the form of the mug may also afford other interactions, especially when translated to the domain of HCI. For this it may also be necessary that the household item changes its shape to reveal these so-called "secondary affordances". This thesis will explore, how household items have to deform to make their secondary affordances obvious. This topic can be realized in VR or as an real-life inquiry, tinkering, demonstration.
Home institution Department of Computing Science
Type of work practical / application-focused
Type of thesis Master's degree
Author Dr.-Ing. Heiko Müller
Status available
Problem statement
Created 01/11/23

Study data

  • Medieninformatik und Multimediasysteme
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