Topic: Simulation of deformations for secondary affordances in VR

Topic: Simulation of deformations for secondary affordances in VR

Personal details

Title Simulation of deformations for secondary affordances in VR
Current smart home environments do not always involve intuitive operating concepts. Voice and touchscreen inputs may be unsuitable, while the extension of everyday objects to interaction elements is promising. In this thesis, you will explore which household objects could be suitable for ubiquitous computing by deforming them to display secondary affordances. You will explore how these objects should deform. Model in VR, test and evaluate with participants. Change speed, maximum deformation, Uncanny Valley of deformations.
Home institution Department of Computing Science
Type of work practical / application-focused
Type of thesis Master's degree
Author Dr.-Ing. Heiko Müller
Status available
Problem statement
Created 01/11/23

Study data

  • Medieninformatik und Multimediasysteme
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