Topic: Redesign of a ring light in cooperation with another (big) glass / optics company

Topic: Redesign of a ring light in cooperation with another (big) glass / optics company

Personal details

Title Redesign of a ring light in cooperation with another (big) glass / optics company
A big optics company asked Edmund Optics to do a redesign of their ring light products they
sell as part of their microscopic illumination program. This redesign is planned to be the task for
in internship or a bachelor thesis.
Ring light are widely used as microscope illumination.

Sometime it is needed to use additional polarizers with the ring light and the microscope.
Usually, one central polarizer for the objective is used together with a polarizer for the ring light.
Due to the nature of polarizers one half of the emitted light lost, therefor just one half of the
polarizer is just to modify the emitted light of the ring light as shown in Picture 2, A.
Another problem is the long holder tube, the long “snout” holding the central polarizer. This
snout works as a shade for the ring light illumination. So, when using the polarizers, light is “lost”
due to the polarizer nature AND the polarizer mechanics.
The mechanics of the polarizer shall be altered in a way to make the snout a small a possible.
Inspiration might be taken from competitors like shown in picture 2, B.
The proposed solution must also be affordable in the end.
All possibilities for cost savings (e.g. polarizing film only applied to one side of the carrier
material) are therefore interesting.

Introduction to the company, introducing the employees and the team
• Overview of the company structure and culture
• Instruction in safety guidelines and work processes
• Refresh and deepen the basics of mechanics and optics
• Training courses and workshops on relevant topics, SOLID WORKS
• Visit to ITOS GmbH, insight into production, focus: polarizer film
• Visit a big supplier for glass and optical components
Home institution Institute of Physics
Associated institutions
Type of work in businesses
Type of thesis Bachelor's
Author Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
Status available
Problem statement
Developmen and redesign of the ring light polarizers
• Requirements coordination and idea generation.
• Conception and construction of components and assemblies.
• Creation of models and drawing derivations including parts lists with SOLID WORKS.
• Last but not least, you reliably coordinate the construction of prototype samples. (3D
Created 19/12/23

Study data

  • HochschullehrerIn
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Programme Engineering Physics
Assigned courses
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