


Sommersemester 2024 16 Veranstaltungen
VAK Veranstaltungsnummer Titel Typ Vorlesung
SWS Semesterwochenstunden DozentIn
GA_2.28 IMPOSTOR Phänomen in der Wissenschaft – Erfolgreich durch Glück oder Kompetenz?“ (Online) Termine am Mittwoch, 05.06.2024 09:00 - 13:00
Impostor Phänomen beschreibt das Gefühl von stetigen Selbstzweifeln an der eigenen Kompetenz und den eigenen Leistungen. Es beinhaltet das Gefühl, ein*e Hochstapler*in zu sein und Gefahr zu laufen jeden Moment aufzufliegen, daher wird es auch als Hochstapler‐Syndrom bezeichnet. Dieses Konzept wird vor allem für hoch‐leistungsfähige Menschen beschrieben. Betroffen sind häufig Wissenschaftler*innen, die Erfolge nicht auf ihre eigenen Leistungen und Fähigkeiten zurückführen bzw. anerkennen.

Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, das Impostor Phänomen kennenzulernen. Dazu werden wir die Eigenschaften sowie verschiedene wissenschaftliche Erklärungsansätze betrachten, die die Entstehung begünstigen. In praktischen Übungen werden wir auf die eigene Biografie der persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung schauen und verdeckte Glaubenssätze identifizieren.
Wir tauchen ein in die Frage, warum das Impostor Phänomen immer mehr Wissenarbeiter*innen betrifft und welche Verbindungen zur psychischen Gesundheit bestehen. Schließlich fokussieren wir auf Strategien, um effektiv gegen die negativen Gedanken zu arbeiten.
Zusätzlich nehmen wir einen Perspektivwechsel in die Rolle von Führungskräften vor und schauen, wie man dem Impostor Phänomen bei Mitarbeitenden begegnen kann.

Lernziele für Teilnehmende:
‐ Impostor Phänomen und dessen Eigenschaften kennen
‐ Erklärungs‐ und Entstehungsansätze kennen
‐ Abgrenzung und Vergleiche zu psychischer Gesundheit
‐ Erlernen von Strategien zur Stärkung des Selbstwertes und der eigenen Leistungsfähigkeit

‐ Einführung in das Impostor‐Syndrom
‐ Wissenschaftliche Erklärungsansätze
‐ Praktische Übungen zur Selbstreflektion (allein, Kleingruppen)
‐ Zusammenhänge zu psychischer Gesundheit im Arbeitskontext
‐ Effektive Strategien, um dem Impostor Syndrom zu begegnen
‐ Wie kann man als Führungskraft dem Impostor Syndrom bei Mitarbeitenden vorbeugen

Zielgruppe: Promovierende und PostDocs
Workshop - Gast Dozent*in
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_3.18 Im Schreiben bleiben - Schreibhindernisse erkennen und überwinden (Präsenz) Termine am Mittwoch, 22.05.2024 09:30 - 17:00
Wer kennt das nicht? Das eigene Schreibprojekt ist festgefahren: sowohl Motivation als auch Kreativität stellen sich nicht ein und die Worte wollen einfach nicht aufs Papier. Im Workshop werden wir uns zunächst der Analyse des eigenen Schreibverhaltens zuwenden und die Ursachen für die individuellen Schreibhemmnisse erarbeiten.

Im zweiten Teil lernen wir grundlegende Strategien zur Überwindung von Schreibblockaden kennen und entwickeln für den individuellen Bedarf gerechte Methoden, um Schreibhindernisse aus dem Weg zu räumen.

Mögliche Themen des Workshops:
• Der Schreibprozess
• Schreibprobleme erkennen und reflektieren
• Den Anfang finden
• Zeitmanagement
• Schreibstrategien lernen und anwenden

Zielgruppe: Promovierende in jeder Phase der Dissertation
Workshop - Gast Dozent*in
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_2.29 Unconscious bias awareness: or how our brain ticks us (In-Person Event) Termine am Dienstag, 23.04.2024 09:00 - 16:00
We live in an increasingly complex world. Every day we are bombarded with countless pieces of information. In order to remain able to act here, our brain tries to filter out and interpret the most important information. We use categories, stereotypes, and memories to make the world “manageable” for us. These habits of our thinking are extremely efficient. Nevertheless, they lead to unconscious biases that lead to erroneous unconscious prejudices and bad decisions.

Unconscious biases have a significant impact on working with other people. This has many consequences: we underestimate or overestimate the competence of people, prefer people who are similar to us. In work situations, we allow ourselves to be influenced by the group. Talents are overlooked, people who are not necessarily best suited for the position are promoted and needs are misjudged. Examples of relevant fields of action are: project assignment and roles, assessment procedures, team culture and general interaction that can support or suppress highly effective teamwork.
If you as a scientist are sensitized to unconscious bias, it strengthens your decision-making and leadership skills. You will learn to reflect in a different way and much better, so that decisions can be made more unbiased, objective and performance-oriented.

Target group: Advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs

Please note:
Due to a large number of very short-term cancellations and unannounced absences in the recent past we would like to point out again that registrations for workshops of the Graduate Academy are binding. Cancellations are only acceptable under imperative circumstances and need to be announced as early as possible. If this is not the case, workshop places that have become available cannot be given to individuals on the waiting list or the workshop cannot be cancelled in due course in the case of low demand. In this case high cancellation fees occur. Under these circumstances the offer of the Graduate Academy cannot be held up in the medium term.
Workshop - Gast Dozent*in
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_4.7 Writing Abstracts & Presenting your research (In-Person Event) Termine am Freitag, 21.06.2024 09:00 - 17:00
This workshop will focus on how to write abstracts, structure and formats, language nuances, what to include - or not. Afterwards, you will write your own draft abstract. While not strictly necessary, it will make more sense if you have at least some initial results from your research. In the second part of this workshop, we’ll work on how you explain your research, plus its background and potential, to different kinds of wider audiences who may be unfamiliar with all aspects of it.

Please note:
Due to a large number of very short-term cancellations and unannounced absences in the recent past we would like to point out again that registrations for workshops of the Graduate Academy are binding. Cancellations are only acceptable under imperative circumstances and need to be announced as early as possible. If this is not the case, workshop places that have become available cannot be given to individuals on the waiting list or the workshop cannot be cancelled in due course in the case of low demand. In this case high cancellation fees occur. Under these circumstances the offer of the Graduate Academy cannot be held up in the medium term.
Workshop - Eric Ahlberg
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_3.2 Storytelling Techniques for Scientists (In-Person Event) Termine am Dienstag, 11.06.2024 - Mittwoch, 12.06.2024 09:00 - 17:00
Most presenters are comfortable using a standard presentation structure, but often they
want to try something new. Talks rarely vary from the known to the unknown in a
compelling way and you may want to know how to lead the audience forward to a
memorable conclusion. The workshop introduces unique ways of positioning a topic and
structuring content by exploring and presenting in a variety of story formats. Central
characters, motivation, storyline, action, dramatic tension, transitions and a satisfying
conclusion are aspects of the playful investigation. Presentations are developed, practiced
and presented with coaching and feedback.

This activity-based workshop, led by a theatre professional, provides you with the
opportunity to use storytelling techniques in communicating your research to both scientific
and general audiences. Throughout the workshop, you will be guided through interactive
exercises to improve your language skills and presentation structuring. Ultimately you will
learn storytelling techniques and explore strategies for dynamically communicating and
highlighting your core ideas and research.

  • Position the research with a meaningful and relevant story
  • Tailor the story to the audience
  • Start a story with a strong opening to get the audience involved
  • Create clear and identifiable characters and environment
  • Build suspense with the narrative and move towards a clear aim
  • Economize the language and get to the point
  • Use active language and identify key points
  • Craft the story and build towards a dynamic conclusion

Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdocs
Workshop - Gast Dozent*in
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_1.31 Next Step: Third-Party Funding to Lift-Off Your Academic Career (in person event) Termine am Mittwoch, 29.05.2024 13:00 - 14:00
Do you seek sources of funding for your independent research, for fellowships, your own position, international networking or other scholarly activities to further develop your academic profile?
This seminar will give you insights into the great variety of funding opportunities (regional, national, international) and provide you with details on a number of selected programs that are specifically attractive to you as an Early Career Researchers.

By completing this seminar, you will have acquired an overview of the diverse German and European research funding system and be able to strategically use the opportunities it offers to you on your career path. There will be plenty of room to discuss your individual questions and to highlight single funding programs that are of particular interest to you.

All Early Career Researchers at doctorate and post-doctorate levels are welcome to attend.
The seminar will be held in English.
Workshop - Ilka Carstens
Dr. Janna Just
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_1.29 Paid to research: how to prepare successful funding application (Online) Termine am Donnerstag, 25.04.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Freitag, 26.04.2024 09:00 - 16:00
On the first day of the workshop, participants are helped to identify suitable funding sources, to understand what evaluators are looking for when assessing an application, to think strategically about the formal and informal contacts that the applicant might entertain with the funding body in question and, finally, to prepare the structure underpinning the actual writing of their application. On the second day of the workshop, participants meet the trainer through a series of one-to-one meetings. Within this context, they have the opportunity to discuss their specific situation, eventual challenges they are facing and possible ways forward to prepare successful applications through a dedicated tailor-made approach.

Contents in brief:
  • Identifying the most suitable funding bodies.
  • Understanding what evaluators are looking for in an application.
  • Keeping in touch with the funding body (do’s and don’ts).
  • Exploring how to enhance one’s own image to “stick out from the rest”.
  • Structuring the writing of the funding application itself.

Target group: Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Please note:
Due to a large number of very short-term cancellations and unannounced absences in the recent past we would like to point out again that registrations for workshops of the Graduate Academy are binding. Cancellations are only acceptable under imperative circumstances and need to be announced as early as possible. If this is not the case, workshop places that have become available cannot be given to individuals on the waiting list or the workshop cannot be cancelled in due course in the case of low demand. In this case high cancellation fees occur. Under these circumstances the offer of the Graduate Academy cannot be held up in the medium term.
Workshop - Gast Dozent
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_1.5 PhD Career Mastery Workshop: Crafting Your Path to Success (In-Person Event) Termine am Donnerstag, 27.06.2024 - Freitag, 28.06.2024 09:00 - 17:00
Get ready to shape your career journey with our exclusive workshop designed just for you.
Discover a fresh perspective on career planning, empowering you to navigate your roles in academia, professionally, and personally.
Dive into a career planning method, making career planning a breeze. Through engaging activities like surveys, interviews, and group discussions, you'll gain a 360-degree view of your career.
Explore the ins and outs of organizational, professional, and private aspects of career planning, crafting your unique vision and profile. This workshop blends the triadic approach with fun and impactful exercises, ensuring an inspiring and empowering learning experience. You'll leave equipped to seamlessly apply your insights to both your academic and professional life.
Exciting highlights include:
• Clarifying Your Values and Position: Lay the groundwork for your journey by discovering your values using career anchors by Edgar Schein.
• Biography and Career Analysis: Reflect on your journey so far, gaining valuable insights for the road ahead.
• Creative Vision Development: Use fun and creative methods to shape your career vision and plan concrete steps for success.
• Profile Refinement with Real-world Examples: Sharpen your profile by analyzing real resumes and job postings, aligning it with market demands.
• Unlocking Actionable Options and Experiences: Empowered by the workshop, explore diverse options, opening up new paths in your career.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and strategic career planning. This workshop isn't just theory; it's hands-on, ensuring you can apply your new skills directly in both your academic and professional pursuits. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take charge of your career!

Target group: Doctoral Candidates
Workshop - Gast Dozent
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_4.1 Grammar review (In-Person Event) Termine am Freitag, 26.04.2024 09:00 - 17:00
This workshop will review some key grammatical areas of academic English and focus on when and how to use them (or not!). For example, contrasting present simple and continuous, present perfect and past tense, the future tenses, (un)countable nouns, conditionals and when to use articles (a/an, the, or no article). If you have other specific grammar questions, please send an email to the instructor in advance.
Workshop - Eric Ahlberg
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_1.34 Spotlight Seminar: How to apply for tenure-track positions in North America (In-Person Event) Termine am Mittwoch, 10.07.2024 09:00 - 13:30
The seminar offers an overview of the application and search process for academic positions
in the USA and Canada (English-speaking). From "small liberal arts colleges" to "research 1
universities," participants first gain an overview of the North American higher education
landscape and different academic career paths (focus: tenure-track). The seminar then
introduces participants to all aspects of the application and search process - from identifying
suitable positions and creating effective cover letters, CVs, research statements and teaching
philosophies/portfolios to mastering telephone interviews, job talks, and the various aspects
of a multi-day campus visit. Upon completion, participants will better understand what
search committees, academic departments, and hiring agents expect from applicants and how
they can effectively prepare for "going on the job market."
Workshop - Gast Dozent*in
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_2.2 VWL Kompakt (Präsenz) Termine am Donnerstag, 11.07.2024 - Freitag, 12.07.2024 09:00 - 17:00
Das Verständnis des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Kontextes, in dem Unternehmen, Organisationen, Verbände und politische Institutionen agieren, ist grundlegend für zielgerichtetes Handeln zukünftiger Fach- und Führungskräfte.

Durch Kenntnis grundlegender Zusammenhänge zwischen Geld, Währung, Wachstum, Produktivität, Beschäftigung, Außenhandel und Wechselkursen u.v.m. in einem globalisierten Umfeld werden aktuelle Fragen/Probleme der Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik nachvollziehbar.

Durch die Behandlung wichtiger Fragen und Denkansätze der volkswirtschaftlichen Theorie und Praxis sollen Grundlagen für ein Verständnis menschlichen Handelns unter ökonomischen Bedingungen erarbeitet sowie Kenntnisse über die Funktionsweise und Akteure des Marktsystems erworben werden.

Zielgruppe: Promovierende und PostDocs

Bitte beachten Sie:
Wegen zahlreicher sehr kurzfristiger Absagen und unangekündigter Abwesenheiten in der letzten Zeit, möchten wir noch einmal nachdrücklich darauf hinweisen, dass die Anmeldung zu den Angeboten der Graduiertenakademie verbindlich ist. Rücktritte sind nur aus zwingenden Gründen akzeptabel und müssen frühzeitig mitgeteilt werden. Anderenfalls können freigewordene Plätze nicht weiter vergeben oder die Veranstaltung bei zu geringer Teilnehmendenzahl nicht rechtzeitig abgesagt werden. In diesem Fall entstehen hohe Stornierungskosten. Unter diesen Bedingungen kann das Angebot der Graduiertenakademie mittelfristig nicht aufrechterhalten werden.
Workshop - Gast Dozent*in
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_4.9 English+ "Open Seminars" (In-Person Event) Termine am Montag, 08.04.2024, Montag, 15.04.2024, Montag, 22.04.2024, Montag, 29.04.2024, Montag, 06.05.2024, Montag, 13.05.2024, Montag, ...(mehr)
Each meeting is devoted to a topic.
April 8 Grammar: Past vs. Present perfect
April 15 Defining your key concepts
April 22 Discussion week
April 29 Writing complex sentences
May 6 Writing about graphs, visuals
May 13 British/American English differences
May 27 Discussion week
June 3 Reverse structuring a text
June 10 Grammar: passive or active voice?
June 17 Building arguments in your work
June 24 Improving pronunciation
July 1 Discussion week

During a discussion week, we’ll read and discuss a specific topic. You do not have to visit all meetings, and can decide which you’d like to visit, but please register in advance. Of course, you are welcome and encouraged to visit as many possible! Within the class, we can also look at short sections of your work (texts, presentations, etc), for feedback and review.

Please note:
Due to a large number of very short-term cancellations and unannounced absences in the recent past, we must remind again that registrations for workshops of the Graduate Academy are binding. Cancellations are only acceptable under imperative circumstances, and must be announced as early as possible. If this is not the case, workshop places that have become available cannot be given to individuals on the waiting list or the workshop cannot be cancelled in due course in the case of low demand. In this case high cancellation fees occur. Under these circumstances the offer of the Graduate Academy cannot be held up in the medium term.
Übung - Eric Ahlberg
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_4.6 Writing your research for non-expert audiences (In-Person Event) Termine am Freitag, 17.05.2024 09:00 - 17:00
Much of your academic writing is for readers who are usually as similarly knowledgeable as you within your subfields. This workshop, in contrast, is about how you can write more widely for readers that are not as fully knowledgeable as you. We’ll look at techniques you can use, and how to write about your research so that your readers can understand. This is especially useful outside academia, but also sometimes within it. We will consider writing for blogs, journalism, the business world.
Workshop - Eric Ahlberg
Admin Graduiertenakademie
GA_PC2 Peer Coaching-Programm "Führen und Betreuen" Termine am Dienstag, 09.04.2024 - Mittwoch, 10.04.2024, Donnerstag, 16.05.2024 - Freitag, 17.05.2024, Dienstag, 18.06.2024 - Mittwoch, 19. ...(mehr)
Dieses Programm ist auf erfahrene Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden, Juniorprofessorinnen
und Juniorprofessoren sowie Nachwuchsgruppenleitende und Erstberufene ausgerichtet, die ihre
Kompetenz in diesen Feldern erweitern und professionalisieren möchten.
Das Programm ist als Peer-Coaching konzipiert, d.h. die Teilnehmenden treffen sich nach Möglichkeit auch außerhalb der Workshops, um sich interdisziplinär zu vernetzen und die erarbeiteten Themen zu vertiefen. Die Teilnahme an allen Workshops/Modulen eines Programms wird vorausgesetzt.
Nach einem Auftaktworkshop (Modul 1), in dem in die Methode des Peer Coaching eingeführt und
die Teams gebildet werden, richten die aufeinander aufbauenden Module 2 und 4 den Fokus auf die
Kernthemen: Modul 2 thematisiert die Führung und Betreuung von Promovierenden, in Modul 4
werden die Führungssituationen und -aufgaben in der Wissenschaft allgemeiner behandelt. In Modul 3 besteht die Gelegenheit, die eigene Entwicklung im Rahmen eines 90minütigen Einzelcoachings intensiv zu reflektieren. Modul 5 vermittelt wichtige Kenntnisse und Methoden für die oftmals schwierige Kommunikation im wissenschaftlichen Umfeld. Gegenstand des Abschlussmoduls (Modul 6) ist das Thema Selbstführung in Veränderungsprozessen.

Informationen zu Modulinhalten, Trainer*innen und Veranstaltungszeiten: https://uol.de/fileadmin/user_upload/grak/Downloads/Details_Peer_Coaching_Fuehren_und_Betreuen_2024.pdf?v=1697713999

Die Anmeldung ist nur über die Kurswebsite der Graduiertenakademie möglich: https://uol.de/p61691
Workshop - Gast Dozent
3GO.24.07 Science Slam 2024 Termine am Mittwoch, 29.05.2024 19:00 - 21:30
Über diese Veranstaltung können sich Zuhörer*innen für den Science-Slam anmelden. Ihre Anmeldung ist vorläufig und wird durch die Veranstalter*innen bestätigt.

+ + +

Weitere Informationen auf der Homepage: https://uol.de/scienceslam

Mitveranstalter*innen sind die Graduiertenakademie, die Graduiertenschule OLTECH und das Forschungszentrum Neurosensorik.
sonstige - Funktionskonto 3go
Robert Mitschke
Rea Kodalle, M.A.
Dr. Nina Gaßmann
Christine Steinseifer-Jeske, M.A.
Admin Graduiertenakademie
Jens-Steffen Scherer
Daniel Hölle
Dr. rer. nat. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Graduate School OLTECH
Maren Bertheau
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christoph Siegfried Herrmann, Dipl.-Ing.
Iris Borschke
GA_2.21 Grow your confidence and well-being: Take care of your Mental Health (Online) Termine am Donnerstag, 16.05.2024, Donnerstag, 20.06.2024, Donnerstag, 19.09.2024, Donnerstag, 17.10.2024 09:00 - 10:30
Join our workshop series on mental health for doctoral candidates and learn how to not only survive but thrive as a PhD student. The workshops offer an opportunity to connect with each other and learn proven tools and techniques to take care of your mental health by organizing your work, managing stress, strengthening your resilience, and cultivating a powerful mindset that enable you to thrive and succeed.

Please indicate in the registration form under the heading "comments" whether you are interested in participating in all four workshop sessions or in individual sessions only. If the latter is the case, please also mark under "comments" which of the four sessions you would like to attend.

The power of breaks (16.05.2024)

Learn why taking enough breaks is crucial for being focused and productive and which role micro-breaks can play in this, become familiar with different strategies for balancing work and break times, and reflect on how to make the most of your breaks.

From stress response to relaxation (20.06.2024)

Learn more about your stress response and identify personal stressors, become familiar with and try out different techniques to manage your stress response and enter a state of relaxation (such as breathing, embodiment, and more)

No Mud, No Lotus – Dealing with setbacks (19.09.2024)

Learn about how to bounce back from crisis or challenge and get to know techniques such as cognitive reframing and others to deal with setbacks and grow from challenging situations or “moments of failure”.

Cultivating a powerful mindset (17.10.2024)

Learn about the role of beliefs for success and reflect upon your personal inner voices to cultivate a powerful mindset that serves (rather than limits) you.

Target groups: All doctoral candidates including scholarship students
Workshop - Gast Dozent
Admin Graduiertenakademie
16 Veranstaltungen

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