sonstige: 5.04.4102 Register Advanced Laboratories in Renewable Energy for Eng. Physics in summer term - Details

sonstige: 5.04.4102 Register Advanced Laboratories in Renewable Energy for Eng. Physics in summer term - Details

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Veranstaltungsname sonstige: 5.04.4102 Register Advanced Laboratories in Renewable Energy for Eng. Physics in summer term
Untertitel Registration Tool for Course in the following summer term
Veranstaltungsnummer 5.04.4102 Register
Semester WiSe21/22
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 21
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 20
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Physik
Veranstaltungstyp sonstige in der Kategorie Lehre
Art/Form Registration tool
Teilnehmende Master students Engineering Physics, 2nd semester
Lernorganisation During summer term each student performs 3 labs selected form a pool of labs adressing advanced measurement techniques and equipment represented in the Renewable Energy research work of various research groups at the Institute of Physics. The pool includes topics on material analysis, optical measurement techniques and state-of-the-art technologies.
1. The course 5.04.4102 Advanced Laboratories in Renewable Energy (Adv. Lab) in the Master Engineering Physics is related to the Advanced Laboratories in Physics (Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum), yet organized in the Eng. Physics specific module phy631 Advanced Metrology with 6 credit points.
2. The Adv. Labs are research oriented. Students acquire the competence to plan, execute, analyze, document and present complex and advanced physical experiments. They deepen their experience in working with state-of the-art measurement and analyzing equipment within the field of Experimental Physics applied in the field of renewable Energy.
3. The course 5.04.4102 Advanced Laboratories in Renewable Energy with 6 credit points covers the module phy631 Advanced Metrology in Master Engineering Physics. The course is compiled of three Adv. Labs (1.75 CP each) and one Seminar (0.75 CP). Each laboratory is typically executed in 3 days of 8 contact hours. (typically on Fri, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
4. If one Adv. Lab should be offered as a block training of 4 or more days, it will be counted for 2 Adv. Labs. Students should be aware of the deviating timeslots then, e.g. during semester break.
5. Each Adv. Lab has to be finished with one protocol, following the standards of scientific work. Specific criteria for the assessment scheme will be given.
6. The course is offered along with a seminar. The seminar trains students to deepen skills in the presentation of execution, evaluation and results of experimental work in Physics with the use of multimedia tools.
7. The seminar represents 0.75 CP. Regular participation is mandatory. Specific criteria for the assessment scheme will be given.
8. Final mark is the arithmetic mean of the four marks from labs plus the assessment of the seminar work (planned: homework tasks).
9. Distribution of Advanced labs will take place on the first seminar day.
Leistungsnachweis Expected perfomance in summer term: 3 labs with 3 protocols plus Homework tasks. Also read the information under the item "Lernorganisation".
Lehrsprache deutsch und englisch

Räume und Zeiten

Students will be informed in March/April


Students in Master Engineering Physics planning to specialize in the field of Renewable Energy have to register here until 23rd of December to receive a seat in the lecture Advanced Laboratories in Renewable Energy for Eng. Physics.
Lab seats in summer term will be distributed accordingly to registration. Seats will be given given to full Master students first.


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