Übung: 3.02.451 S The Woman Artist in 19th and Early 20th Century Literature - Details

Übung: 3.02.451 S The Woman Artist in 19th and Early 20th Century Literature - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Übung: 3.02.451 S The Woman Artist in 19th and Early 20th Century Literature
Veranstaltungsnummer 3.02.451
Semester WiSe15/16
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 3
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 25
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Veranstaltungstyp Übung in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Donnerstag, 15.10.2015 12:00 - 14:00, Ort: A01 0-010 a
Lehrsprache englisch

Räume und Zeiten

A01 0-010 a
Donnerstag: 12:00 - 14:00, wöchentlich (14x)



During the second half of the nineteenth century, the number of women who called themselves artists drastically increased. However, the phenomenon of “the woman artist” meant much more than an increase of female artists and Künstlerromane written by women about women painters, singers, actors, writers and poets. Indeed, the figure of “the woman artist” became a contested figure through which larger ideological questions were debated and envisioned, ranging from women’s rights to the “nature” and the (pro)creative and intellectual capacities of women, to the distinction of high and low art, to the romantic idea of the genius and the business of art production. This course focuses on a variety of American Künstlerromane by and about women from the second half of the nineteenth century to the Harlem Renaissance: The Story of Avis (1877) by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, A Woman of Genius (1912) by Mary Austin, and Plum Bun (1928) by the Afro-American writer Jessie Fauset. Apart from genre questions, we will investigate and discuss the ways in which these women writers negotiate gender injustice, the ideologies of womanhood and marriage alongside art production, the categorization of high and low art, as well as the aesthetic means and representations with which they both contribute to and undermine accepted notions of beauty and art.


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