Seminar: 2.01.AM-2 Oberseminar Applied Artificial Intelligence - Details

Seminar: 2.01.AM-2 Oberseminar Applied Artificial Intelligence - Details

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Allgemeine Informationen

Veranstaltungsname Seminar: 2.01.AM-2 Oberseminar Applied Artificial Intelligence
Untertitel bam/mam
Veranstaltungsnummer 2.01.AM-2
Semester WiSe23/24
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 3
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 12
Heimat-Einrichtung Department für Informatik
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Dienstag, 17.10.2023 10:00 - 12:00, Ort: (ONLINE)
Art/Form S
Lehrsprache deutsch und englisch

Räume und Zeiten

Dienstag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (13x)



Your Advisor and Your Committee
In order to write a bachelor’s or master’s thesis you must find a member of the IML lab who is willing to be your thesis advisor. You propose your thesis topic together with your advisor to Prof. Sonntag as the first reviewer in your committee.

How Long Should it Be? How Long Does it Take?
A bachelor’s thesis is generally 20-40 pages, not including the bibliography. A master’s thesis is generally 40-80 pages, not including the bibliography. However, the length will vary according to the topic and the method of analysis, so the appropriate length will be determined by you, your advisor, and your committee. Students who write a master’s thesis generally do so over two semesters, bachelor’s one semester.

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