Theses: Topic overview

Theses: Topic overview

Thesis topic overview
Title Type of thesis Degree programmes Type of work Contact person Status Created Action
Auswahl einer geeigneten Blockchain-Technologie für die Verifizierung von Fahrraddaten Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Johannes Schering
assigned 17/09/21
Turbulenz und CO2 Austausch Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Environmental Science
Master's Programme Marine Sensors
Master's Programme Marine Environmental Sciences
practical / application-focused Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas
available 16/09/21
Magnetically sensitive proteins in migratory birds Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Biology
Bachelor's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Biology
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Biology
practical / application-focused Dr. rer. nat. Rabea Bartölke
available 15/09/21
Fitness-Landscape-Analyse für die Einsatzplanung dezentraler Energieerzeuger Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC)
Sustainable Renewable Energy Technologies
Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Renewable Energy Online
Master's Programme Business Informatics
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Astrid Nieße
Paul Hendrik Tiemann, M. Sc.
available 10/09/21
Aufbereitung und Analyse von Umweltdaten einer mobilen Fahrradsensorik Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Johannes Schering
completed 09/09/21
Datenstrombasierte Steuerung von Anlagen in der Niederspannungsebene zur Regulierung von Spitzenlasten Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 03/09/21
IntelliJ-Plugin für das Selbststudium (im Rahmen von Innovation plus) Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. rer. nat. Christian Schönberg
Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter
reserved 24/06/21
Recovery für eine verteilte Odysseus Master-Worker-Architektur basierend auf Docker Swarm Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 14/06/21
Smartphone als Universalsensor Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Florian Schmalriede
Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter
completed 01/03/21
Visualisierung von Datenströmen mit Odysseus und Grafana Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 10/01/22
Informatische Bildung im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann
available 04/09/24
Erstellung eines STudIP-Plugins zur Erstellung und Verwaltung des Lehrangebotes Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein
completed 28/05/21
Geschichten als Schnittstelle zwischen Deutsch- und Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
Lernen an Biografien/ biografisches Lernen im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
Anfangsunterricht Sachunterricht und fächerverbindend Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
Methoden in der Grund- und Förderschule Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
Wahrnehmung und ihre Bedeutung für Lernen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
interkulturelle Bildung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
historisches Lernen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
soziales und emotionales Lernen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
sexuelle Bildung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Julia Lüpkes
available 06/05/21
Schüler:innenvorstellungen im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann
available 04/09/24
Historisches Lernen im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Dr. phil. Silke Bakenhus
available 03/05/21
Außerschulische Lernorte, Wandertage & Exkursionen im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
practical / application-focused Dr. phil. Silke Bakenhus
available 03/05/21
Entwicklung und Evaluation eines künstlichen Immunsystems zur Anomalieerkennung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Torge Wolff, M. Sc.
assigned 23/04/21
Should electro-mobility be subsidized and if yes why? Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer
available 19/04/21
The incidence of CO2 emission pricing Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer
available 19/04/21
Do pandemics change the calculus in climate policy? Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer
available 19/04/21
German coal phase-out: a blue-print for Europe? Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer
available 19/04/21
Supply-side and demand-side options in unilateral climate policy design Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer
available 19/04/21
Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf transnationale Produktion und internationalen Handel Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
Master's Programme Business Administration, Economics and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein
assigned 16/04/21
Brexit: Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen der Disintegration Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein
available 16/04/21
Digitales Geld, privat und staatlich Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Master's Programme Business Administration, Economics and Law
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein
assigned 16/04/21
Beschäftigungseffekte der Globalisierung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
Master's Programme Business Administration, Economics and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein
assigned 16/04/21
Beschäftigungseffekte der Digitalisierung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Master's Programme Business Administration, Economics and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein
assigned 16/04/21
Abschlussarbeit Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management
Master's Programme Business Informatics
not specified Barbara Bremer-Rapp
available 15/04/21
Wirtschaftswachstum und Gesundheitsentwicklung während und nach der Corona-Pandemie Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
available 15/04/21
Green Growth: Zukunftsweisender Plan oder naive Illusion? Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
available 15/04/21
Wirtschaftswachstum und Ressourcenverbrauch Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
available 15/04/21
Chinas Engagement in der Entwicklungshilfe Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics
Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer
assigned 15/04/21
Interesse an digitalen Themen im Sachunterricht der Grundschule Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann
available 04/09/24
Experimentelle Kompetenzen von Grundschülerinnen und Grundschülern im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann
available 04/09/24
Problemlösestrategien im Umgang mit LEGO Education WeDO 2.0 im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann
available 04/09/24
Odysseus CLI Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 01/07/21
Anomalieerkennung in Cyber-physischen Systemen mittels rekurrenter Autoencoder Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Torge Wolff, M. Sc.
assigned 29/03/21
Strategy-guided Algorithm for the Generation of the Smallest Sigma-Algebra Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Claus Möbus
available 26/03/21
Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Jira-Plugins für die integrierte Nutzer- und Projektverwaltung im Software Projekt und in Projektgruppen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 17/03/21
Erstellung eines STudIP-Plugins zur Verwaltung von Abschlussarbeiten Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein
Nico Müller
completed 17/03/21
Vogelerkennung auf BIldern durch KI Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Dr. Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein
completed 17/03/21
Out of Order Processing Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 17/03/21
