phy341 - Advanced Subject-Specific Module I

phy341 - Advanced Subject-Specific Module I

Institute of Physics 9 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2025 Examination
Practical training
  • Limited access 5.15.753 - Networks and Complexity Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross

    Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)
    Thursday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)

    Networks are everywhere. Examples include the internet on which you are reading this text, the power grid that delivers electricity to your home, the food webs which form the backbones of ecosystems, the social networks which allows opinions, ideas and diseases to spread among humans and the networks of biochemical reactions that sustain all life on earth. In this course we will understand how network thinking can be used to make sense of the many complex processes around us. Along the way we will be drawing on ideas from Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Ecology and Sociology. The lectures will revolve around a real world examples that pose specific challenges. These range from finding the shortest path to a destination to analyzing the stability of complex ecosystems. We will then discover broadly applicable methods to overcome these challenges and in every case we will be able to apply the methods to small examples with just pen and paper. The course will equip you with a set of tools that you can use to understand complex systems. We will build up an understanding why these tools work and which lines of thinking could have led to their discovery. In this way we will learn how to think about complexity to develop new tools and overcome new challenges.

Notes on the module
Reference text
VL, SE, Ü, PR; abhängig von den Veranstaltungen
Module examination
Skills to be acquired in this module
Abhängig von der gewählten Spezialisierung o vertiefen die Studierenden ihre Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Theoretische Physik, Experimentalphysik, Angewandte Physik, physikalische Messtechnik, Numerische Methoden, und wahlweise im Bereich Umweltphysik des ICBM oder in einem Nebenfach, o erweitern die Studierenden ihre Fertigkeiten in den Bereichen Analyse und Modellierung physikalischer Probleme, Konzeption und Durchführung physikalischer Experimente, selbständige Vertiefung erworbenen Wissens, Recherche und Erarbeiten von Fachliteratur und Präsentation physikalischer Zusammenhänge, o erwerben bzw. vertiefen die Studierenden Kompetenzen auf den Gebieten des selbstständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, der wissenschaftlichen Analyse physikalischer Sachverhalte sowie der Anwendung und Vernetzung erlernter Erkenntnisse auf unterschiedlichen Gebieten.
