Theses: Topic overview

Theses: Topic overview

Thesis topic overview
Title Type of thesis Degree programmes Type of work Contact person Status Created Action
Entwicklung einer Simulationssoftware für einen smarten Wassertank Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Jan Stüven, M. Sc.
M. Sc. Pascal Säfken
Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez
available 07/02/25
Vergleich verschiedener Regensensoren mit dem Niederschlagsmesser Ott Pluvio Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Jan Stüven, M. Sc.
M. Sc. Pascal Säfken
Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez
available 07/02/25
Vergleich von IoT Hubs für den Einsatz bei einem Wasserversorger Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
conceptual / theoretical Jan Stüven, M. Sc.
M. Sc. Pascal Säfken
Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez
available 07/02/25
Die Draußen-Schule der Grundschule Elsfleth Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
not specified Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann
available 03/02/25
Psychosoziale Belastungen und Versorgungsbedarfe von Familien mit Risikoschwangerschaften und Frühgeborenen Human medicine research thesis

Assigned degree programmes

State Examination Programme Medicine
clinical research Dr. Anja Lindig
available 27/01/25
Psychosoziale Belastungen und Versorgungsbedarfe von Familien mit Risikoschwangerschaften und Frühgeborenen Doctorate

Assigned degree programmes

State Examination Programme Medicine
clinical research Dr. Anja Lindig
available 27/01/25
Psychosoziale Belastungen und Versorgungsbedarfe von Familien mit Risikoschwangerschaften und Frühgeborenen Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Health Services Research
State Examination Programme Medicine
clinical research Dr. Anja Lindig
available 27/01/25
Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung in der Versorgung von Risikoschwangerschaften Human medicine research thesis

Assigned degree programmes

State Examination Programme Medicine
clinical research Dr. Anja Lindig
available 27/01/25
Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung in der Versorgung von Risikoschwangerschaften Doctorate

Assigned degree programmes

State Examination Programme Medicine
clinical research Dr. Anja Lindig
available 27/01/25
Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung in der Versorgung von Risikoschwangerschaften Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Health Services Research
State Examination Programme Medicine
clinical research Dr. Anja Lindig
available 27/01/25
Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Simulation von Telefondaten für Datenstromanalysen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
assigned 27/01/25
Kinderzeichnungen als Erhebungsmethode von Präkonzepten Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Dr. phil. Silke Bakenhus
available 25/01/25
Einsatz von Federated Learning für dezentrales Training von Sprachmodellen im von Kontext Entity Matching Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Jan-Philipp Awick
available 22/01/25
Sex and Gender Equity in (clinical GI) Research Human medicine research thesis

Assigned degree programmes

State Examination Programme Medicine
not specified Prof. Dr. Antje Timmer
available 20/01/25
Zustandsmanagement für Quellen in einem ausfallsicheren Odysseus Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
available 20/01/25
Informatische Bildung im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) General Studies
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Nicolas Arndt
available 17/01/25
Themen der naturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) General Studies
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Dr. Mark-Tilo Schmitt
available 09/01/25
Masterarbeit in Anlehnung an den Praxisblock im Sachunterricht Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
practical / application-focused Dr. Mark-Tilo Schmitt
available 09/01/25
Themen politischer Bildung im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) General Studies
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Nikolaj Schulte-Wörmann
Nicolas Arndt
available 08/01/25
Themen der Technischen Perspektive im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) General Studies
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Nicolas Arndt
available 08/01/25
Digitalisierung im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) General Studies
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Nicolas Arndt
available 08/01/25
Virtuell Reality (VR) im Sachunterricht Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) General Studies
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Nicolas Arndt
available 08/01/25
Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Lernstandsinformationssystems für Grundschulen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule) Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education) Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Oliver Theel
available 30/12/24
Forschungsprojekte in der Herzchirurgie des Klinikums Oldenburg Human medicine research thesis

Assigned degree programmes

clinical research Dr. med. Ruslan Natanov
Bianca Sahlmann
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Martens
available 20/12/24
Verlässliche Anfrageverarbeitung mit Odysseus: Erweiterung des Zustandsmanagements Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
available 17/12/24
Entwicklung eines KI-basierten Ansatzes zur automatischen Bestimmung von NACE-Branchencodes durch die Analyse von Handelsregistereinträgen und Unternehmenswebseiten Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
in businesses Kristof Mose
Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez
available 17/12/24
Auswirkungen von FAs(D) auf die Entwicklung und die Alltagsbewältigung Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Anne-Kathrin Will
assigned 17/12/24
Gender Rollen in Disney Filmen Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Dr. Anne-Kathrin Will
assigned 17/12/24
Quality Assurance for Data in Open Science Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Computing Science
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
conceptual / theoretical M. Sc. Alexandro Steinert
available 13/12/24
Optimizing Datasets: Unlocking Potential with FAIR Guidelines Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused M. Sc. Alexandro Steinert
available 13/12/24
Forecasting day-ahead market prices to optimize schedules in energy systems Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
not specified Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
assigned 10/12/24
Development of a strategic aggregator for smart bidding in market-based redispatch 3.0 Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
not specified Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
available 10/12/24
Robustness of multi-agent systems in energy systems: Analysis of agent failures and their effects Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Environmental Modelling
Master's Programme Computing Science
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
not specified Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
available 10/12/24
Conceptual design and implementation of distributed, reactive resource planning in energy systems: Comparison of two algorithms Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
not specified Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
available 10/12/24
Self-organized aggregation and disaggregation of flexibilities in a multi-agent system: design, implementation and comparison with a centralized approach Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Environmental Modelling
Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
not specified Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
assigned 10/12/24
Non-linear optimization for the aggregation and disaggregation of asset flexibilities in a multi-agent system Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems
Master's Programme Environmental Modelling
Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
not specified Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
reserved 10/12/24
Umlagerungen in Germaoligosilanen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Chemistry
practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Albers
Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller
available 10/12/24
Studien zur Reaktivität von NHC-stabilisierten Germa- und Silacyclopentadienylidenen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Chemistry
practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Albers
Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller
available 10/12/24
Mechanochemie Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Chemistry
practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Albers
available 10/12/24
Synthese und Analyse von fünffach koordinierten Gruppe 13 Halogeniden Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Chemistry
practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Albers
available 10/12/24
Versuche zur Synthese von Phosphagermapentafulvenen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Chemistry
practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Albers
Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller
available 10/12/24
Synthese von stabiliserten Borabenzolen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Chemistry
practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Albers
available 10/12/24
NLP zur Identifikation von Risiken aus Nachrichtenartikeln und anderen Quellen Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Alexander Eguchi
assigned 10/12/24
Review: Bird persecution in Asia Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Environmental Science
Master's Programme Biology
Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule) Biology
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Biology
Bachelor's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Landscape Ecology
Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium) Biology
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Biology
not specified Dr. Wieland Heim
reserved 05/12/24
Unterschiede in der Brutbiologie der Feldlerche in Schutzgebieten und Agrarflächen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Environmental Science
Master's Programme Biology
Bachelor's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Biology
Master's Programme Landscape Ecology
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Biology
practical / application-focused Dr. Wieland Heim
available 04/12/24
Forschungsarbeit/Promotion: The Role of Immune Checkpoints in Esophageal Cancer: An Integrative Analysis of Biomarkers, Tissue Expression, and Clinical Outcomes Human medicine research thesis

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused PD Dr. Helge Meyer
available 21/11/24
Implementation of an analytical simulation model for wireless communication networks for application in multi-agent and energy system scenarios Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
not specified Malin Radtke, M. Sc.
available 18/11/24
Graphic Novels im Biologieunterricht Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Prof. Dr. Corinna Hößle
available 17/11/24
Konzeptionierung und prototypische Umsetzung einer Internet-Plattform für gemeinnützige Projekte Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff
reserved 24/10/24
Erweiterung von Web-Xerdi Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
assigned 23/10/24
