Theses: Topic overview

Theses: Topic overview

Thesis topic overview
Title Type of thesis Degree programmes Type of work Contact person Status Created Action
Explaining neural bug detectors with minimal working examples Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Cedric Richter
available 02/03/23
Bedeutsamkeit deklarativen Textsortenwissens für die Entwicklung narrativer Schreibkompetenzen in der fünften Jahrgangsstufe Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Matthias Schulden
available 02/03/23
Implementierung und Evaluation eines agentenbasierten selbstorganisierten Ansatzes zur Bildung Koalitionen im Energiekontext Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Environmental Modelling
Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Torge Wolff, M. Sc.
completed 28/02/23
Erweiterung des visuellen Anfrageeditors im Odysseus Web-Studio Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 08/08/23
Integration von Evaluationsfertigkeiten in Odysseus Web-Studio Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
available 08/08/23
Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Modell- und Experimentmanagements zur Erweiterung des maschinellen Lernens in dem Datenstrommanagementsystem Odysseus Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Marco Grawunder
completed 20/02/23
Masterarbeit in Anlehnung an das Projektband im Sachunterricht Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
not specified Dr. Mark-Tilo Schmitt
available 15/02/23
Hey ChatGPT! Please verify my program. Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Cedric Richter
completed 13/02/23
Peer-Interaktionen in der Kita - Fragestrategien Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Aleksandra Anna Kappenberg
Prof. Dr. Ulla Licandro
available 10/02/23
Entwicklung einer Testautomatisierung für das Testen in operativen Umgebungen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Janusz Andrzej Piotrowski, M. Sc.
available 09/02/23
Fehlerinjektion in NMEA0183 Netzwerke mithilfe einer ROS2 basierten Architektur Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Janusz Andrzej Piotrowski, M. Sc.
assigned 09/02/23
From incorrectness logic proofs to violation witnesses Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Heike Wehrheim
available 06/02/23
Standing Open Topics in HCI and Media Informatics Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Tobias Lunte
available 03/02/23
Computational Thinking im Sachunterricht? Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) General Studies
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Nicolas Arndt
available 02/02/23
Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse von Veronica spicata Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Biology
practical / application-focused Christoph Nehrke
available 13/01/23
Bewegungsbeobachtung in der Stadtkommune Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium) Sports
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Sports
Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education) Sports
Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule) Sports
Master Sportwissenschaft
Master's Programme Sport and Lifestyle
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) Sports
practical / application-focused Dr. Katharina Pöppel
available 10/01/23
Bachelor/Master: Aufbereitung und Analyse der Daten verschiedener Fahrradsensor- bzw. App-Daten Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Johannes Schering
assigned 31/12/22
Evaluation von Physical Literacy im Grundschulalter Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Sport Science
practical / application-focused Dr. Katharina Pöppel
available 29/12/22
Chancen und Grenzen eines mehrperspektivischen Sportunterrichts im Vergleich zu einer Physical Literacy-basierten Bewegungsförderung Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium) Sports
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Sports
Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education) Sports
Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule) Sports
Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) Sports
conceptual / theoretical Dr. Katharina Pöppel
available 29/12/22
Kriterienkatalog zur Entwicklung von Physical Literacy-Programmen (systematic review) Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Sport Science
conceptual / theoretical Dr. Katharina Pöppel
available 29/12/22
Vergleich von Softwarelösungen für Metadatenregistries Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Stephan Alexander Ferenz, M. Sc.
Prof. Dr. Astrid Nieße
completed 21/12/22
Vergleich verschiedener Parameter bzw. Methoden zur Erhebung des Benefits durch eine Hörgeräteversorgung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Schell-Majoor
available 16/12/22
Einfluss von kurzzeitiger Unaufmerksamkeit bei Hörtests mit dem Smartphone Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Schell-Majoor
available 16/12/22
Simulation von Sprachverständlichkeit in simuliertem und realem Wohnzimmer Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. rer. nat. Anna Warzybok-Oetjen
Merle Gerken
available 16/12/22
Simulation of capacity markets for the integration of renewable generation Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt
assigned 15/12/22
Entwicklung einer morphologischen Box erneuerbarer Power Purchasing Agreements Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Business Informatics
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt
assigned 15/12/22
Sustainable Platform Economy - Eine Literaturanalyse Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt
assigned 15/12/22
Analyse von Plattformökosystemen - Case Study mit mosaik Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt
assigned 15/12/22
Einflussfaktoren von Nachhaltigkeitszielen in Unternehmen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt
assigned 15/12/22
Digitale Nachhaltigkeit - Eine Bestandsaufnahme Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
conceptual / theoretical Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt
assigned 15/12/22
Technische Rahmenbedingungen für die sichere Nutzung einer Web-App zur Diagnose und Rehabilitation von Hörstörungen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Lena Schell-Majoor
Samira Saak
available 15/12/22
Building verification benchmarks like Frankenstein Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Computing Science
conceptual / theoretical Cedric Richter
available 07/12/22
Vergleich von pandapower und PyPSA anhand exemplarischer Implementierungen Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Torge Wolff, M. Sc.
completed 29/11/22
Entwicklung und Analyse einer KI-unterstützen Energy Spotmarkt Simulation Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Torge Wolff, M. Sc.
assigned 28/11/22
Konzeption und Umsetzung einer Erweiterung zur hybriden Ausführung einer maritimen Verkehrssimulation Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused David Reiher, M. Sc.
available 23/11/22
Bilderbuchgestützte Förderung emotional-sozialer, mathematischer oder schriftsprachlicher (Vorläufer-)Fähigkeiten Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Geography (in cooperation with the University of Bremen)
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) German
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Chemistry
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) History
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) English
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Protestant Theology and Religious Education
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Biology
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Special Needs Education
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Music
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Elementary Mathematics
Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Art
practical / application-focused Dr. Alissa Schüürmann
available 18/11/22
Erfassung der Beziehungsqualität im Elementarbereich Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Madeleine Morhardt
available 16/11/22
Positive Greetings at the Door zur Förderung der Beziehungsqualität bzw. positiven Verhaltens im Primarbereich Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Madeleine Morhardt
available 16/11/22
Konzept-basierte Erklärungen für Deep Learning Modelle auf Zeitreihen Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Physics, Engineering and Medicine
Master's Programme Physics
Master's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Prof. Dr. Nils Strodthoff
available 09/11/22
Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Simulationsmodells für maritime Verkehrssimulationen Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused David Reiher, M. Sc.
available 03/11/22
Wattenmeer als außerschulischer Lernort im Sachunterricht der Grundschule - Evaluation eines Schulprojektes (Wilhelmshaven) Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Julia Lüpkes
available 01/11/22
Haltungsklassifikation von Pflegekräften basieredn auf Kamera- und Sensoranzugdaten Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master's Programme Physics, Engineering and Medicine
Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium) Computing Science
Master's Programme Engineering Physics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Engineering Physics
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Physics, Engineering and Medicine
practical / application-focused PD Dr. Rebecca Diekmann
available 28/10/22
Validierung eines Kriterienkatalogs zur Erhebung narrativer Schreibkompetenzen Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Dr. Matthias Schulden
available 21/10/22
Spezifische Sprachentwicklungsstörungen und/bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störung Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

not specified Lisa Federkeil
available 20/10/22
Entwicklung einer Schnittstelle zum Export von Fahrraddaten Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
practical / application-focused Johannes Schering
completed 17/10/22
Erzählfähigkeit bei digitalen und analogen Bildergeschichten Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) German
Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Special Needs Education
practical / application-focused Tabea Testa
Prof. Dr. Tanja Jungmann
available 14/10/22
Recherche und prototypische Implementierung von KI Verfahren zur Auswertung von Bilddaten zur Fahrradinfrastruktur Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics
Master's Programme Computing Science
Bachelor's Programme Computing Science
Master's Programme Business Informatics
practical / application-focused Johannes Schering
completed 06/10/22
Herausforderungen mit Integration von ÖPNV systeme im Carpoolingapplikation. Bachelor's or Master's degree

Assigned degree programmes

practical / application-focused Sasapu Venkatesh
available 04/10/22
Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Areeka Erlebniskarten (Dinosaurier) im Sachunterricht Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) General Studies
not specified Laura Haarhus
available 28/09/22
Schülervorerfahrungen zum Lernen mit AR im Sachunterricht von 3.-4. Klässlern Bachelor's

Assigned degree programmes

Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education
not specified Laura Haarhus
assigned 28/09/22
